Dr Elna Rudloph on television.

Minki van der Westhuizen is one of the most loved South Africa celebrities.  She is the presenter of MINKI – a talk show on @ViaTV where she invites famous South Africans into her lounge for heartfelt discussions.  The show is in its 5th season and loved by many South Africans.

Minki and I have been friends for years. She invited me to have a weekly slot on her show to answer her viewers’ sex and relationship questions.

You might think that having a sexologist on an Afrikaans talk show will be very awkward. I am known for my professional, yet fun and frank approach to sexual health matters.  You can rest assured that will try my best to share it with you in an authentic, natural manner that will not make you feel too uncomfortable!

If you would like to submit a question to me to be answered anonymously during the #MINKI Show, you can send it to minki@mysexualhealth.co.za.

Join Minki and Dr Elna Rudolph on Wednesdays at 19h30 on Via, Channel 147.  Follow them on Instagram for more information @minkivanderwesthuizen and @sexologistmom


Dr Elna Rudolph – die nuwe seksuoloog op #Minki, @ViaTV – kanaal 147, DSTV, Woensdae 19h30

Besoek ViaTV vir meer inligting oor die herhaling van die uitsendings hier.

In this edition of Cliff Central’s series ‘So what now?’, Gareth Cliff looks at the effects of the lockdown and asks “how are we doing?” This week’s panel features Tumi Morake, Dr Elna Rudolph and Devan Moonsamy as they talk sex, stigma and keeping a sense of humour druing COVID-19.

Click here to watch this episode.


Clinical head of My Sexual Health, Dr Elna Rudolph, chats with Kabous Meiring on Prontuit about sex and intimacy and the role thereof in relationships.


Prontuit | Depressie, angs en intimiteit in Covid-19 | Seg 3 – 20 Julie 2020

Noudat paartjies saam tuis ingeperk is, ly intimiteit. Hoe hanteer ‘n mens die slaggate van voortdurend in mekaar se geselskap wees, om uiteindelik weer die vonk in die slaapkamer terug te sit? Kan Covid-19 langtermyngesondheidsprobleme veroorsaak? Dr. Elna Rudolph, ’n seksuoloog, sluit by ons aan.
To watch this segment on Youtube, click here.


Prontuit | Transgender Vroue | Seg 2 – 4 Junie 2018

Lee-Anne en Bianca, twee transvroue wat pasiente van Dr Elna Rudolph is, deel hulle storie met die Prontuit gehoor.  Dr Elna Rudolph deel ook n deel van haar reis met die Prontuit kykers.

To watch this segment on YouTube, click here.


Prontuit | Intimiteit in Verhoudings | Seg 3 – 2 April 2018

Intimiteit en seks is ‘n baie belangrike deel van ‘n verhouding. Of is dit? Ons gesels vanaand oor intimiteit en seks – die belangrikheid daarvan, hoe dit verskil op verskillende ouderdomme, die invloed van werksdruk, sosiale media, pornografie, die vrees daarvoor en hoe ‘n affair intimiteit beïnvloed. My gaste vanaand is dr Elna Rudolph, ‘n mediese dokter en seksuoloog, dr. Johan Ferreira, ‘n sielkundige van die Wholeness-sentrum en dr Hannetjie van Zyl-Edeling, ‘n sielkundige van Johannesburg.

To watch this segment on Youtube, click here.

For more information on the latest Prontuit shows, visit this site.